PRC3001 Pre-Ripper

The PRC Pre-ripper is a contractor-duty pre-ripper equipped with coulters that allows for 1-pass soil-bed preparation straight into exiting pasture, utilising your choice of Culti-tiller, Rotary hoe or Power Harrow.

Our Pre-Ripper has full shear-bolt protection and a unique PTO driveline design that allows for a full-width beam toolbar,  setting our machine apart from the light euro versions.

Years of experience has shown a pre-ripper can

  • Increase travel speeds by up to 60% while reducing labour and diesel
  • Removes hard-pans and compaction, while decreasing nutrient and moisture loss
  • increase the life of hoe/harrow/culti-tiller blades by 300%

Machine specs include

  • Fully sprung 310mm coulters on a centrally adjusted toolbar for quick and easy depth adjustment
  • Adjustable height Bisalloy low inversion shanks with a magazine styled shear pin arrangement
  • Extra heavy duty full-width 150x150mm x9mm toolbar
  • Unique 2-piece driveline utilises the existing machine’s PTO shaft
  • The PRC Pre-ripper is a contractor duty machine that is hot dip galvanised, and is designed and made to last in Australia.
  • Also available as a compact Coulter-less model