CD3000 – CD6000 Culti-Drill

Conventional Tillage or Direct Drilling  – the CD has you covered!!

The CD series is a multi-purpose machine based on our HD Spring Tyne Cultivator.

It allows a quick conversion between a conventional cultivation and direct drill modes.

  • 30 minute conversion from a heavy duty Spring Tyne cultivator to a economical Tyne Direct Drill
  • 3.0m version is designed to be used on tractors from 100hp
  • 65x65x6mm RHS and 12-16mm 350 grade plate frame makes for an extra heavy duty machine with built-in penetrating weight
  • 5 toolbars on 500mm spacings for superior trash handling capability
  • HD 45x12mm S-Tyne + 45x10mm helper spring
  • Single bolt BOSS3 McCoy lucerne points
    • Narrow 10mm wide x 75mm deep tungsten tile
    • Low disturbance at shallow or deep levels
    • Longer life – unlike a baker boot, rock damage to the tip does not seriously affect operation
    • Single bolt BOSS1 cast baker boots available
  • 1 row of 10mm swept harrows for seed covering or soil levelling
  • 400mm full width crumble bar roller for excellent depth control and seed bed production.
  • Main seed box
    • 400 to 800Litre poly DELIMBE seed bin options
    • High flow hydraulic fan
    • Electric seed meter drive options
    • Ground wheel speed input options
    • Control Box – Standard cab mount
  • The drought highlighted the shortcomings of current pasture tyne equipped direct
    • Lack of penetration – especially with front disc coulters engaged
    • Lack of trash handling capability – especially with disc-coulters dis-enagaged
    • Hard bottomed, open, tilth-less seed slots  – exacerbated by damaged/worn baker boots
    • Lack of tilth and seed cover
  • The DOYLE CD drill design has addressed all these issues plus more